Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dazzling Druzy

"A druzy is the term that refers to a blanket of tiny, sparkling crystals often found inside a geode or an agate. The sparkling appearance of druzy (or, more commonly, drusy) is like that of spilled salt or sugar. The formation of the tiny crystals occurs after molten rock begins to quickly cool, trapping gasses within it as it solidifies. The trapped gasses cause crevices and cavities in the cooling rock. Nutrient-rich groundwater later flows through these gaps and crevices, depositing layer after layer of minerals which crystallize on top of each other. The resulting encrustation is called druzy (drusy, druse, druses). This process doesn't take days or weeks, but a few hundred or even a few thousand years." - from

Friday, March 2, 2012

You could win this retired Prima (big) shell from MICHE!

All you have to do is e-mail KP Jewelers at and leave your name and phone number by Friday, March 9th.  Good Luck!

Retired Cleo Shell fits Prima(big) base bag (not included), a value of  $49.95

Make those MICHE spring colors pop!

Make those spring colors pop with new white handles for your Prima, Demi, or Classic bag or a white base for your Classic bag from MICHE. See the photo below for examples: